"It is so convenient and in line with international standards to complete the tax refund process and receive cash on the spot right after shopping in a store!" said Mr. Ahn, a tourist from South Korea who visited Guangzhou on April 25th. He purchased goods worth 12,000 yuan at Tianhe City and immediately received a tax refund of 1,080 yuan, becoming the first person to experience Guangdong"s pilot program for immediate departure tax refunds.
Currently, Guangzhou has 10 pilot stores for the policy. Overseas tourists who shop at these pilot stores can receive cash in RMB equivalent to the actual value-added tax refunded for the tax-refundable goods, enjoying the convenience of immediate departure tax refunds.
Guangzhou will involve more stores into the immediate departure tax refunds program and continue to promote measures such as "convenient payment" to provide overseas tourists with more convenient and diverse tax refund methods, helping Guangzhou become an international consumption hub.
广州接下来将继续拓展离境退税“即买即退”试点商店的规划布局,并持续推行“便捷支付”等便利措施,为境外旅客提供更便捷多元的退税方式,助力广州建设国际消费中心城市。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)
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