原文标题:Holiday travelEnjoy it while it lastsWill demand for sunny getaways wane as the economy sours?假日旅行及时行乐经济不景气,度假需求会减弱吗?How long will the travel boom last?旅行热潮还能持续多久?[Paragraph 1]
REVENGE HOLIDAYS are in full swingand the travel industry is cashing in.
After a rocky few years, the urge to splurge on airline tickets and hotels is set to bring in bumper earnings.
Tour operators are inundated with bookings; hotel chains are raking in record profits.
EasyJet has raised its earnings forecasts twice this year; IAG and Ryanair have both returned to profit for the first time since the start of the pandemic, and Singapore Airlines is handing out some of its record profits as bonuses worth eight months’ salary.
With air fares rising faster than inflation, global airline bosses now expect $9.8bn in net income this year, more than double the amount initially forecast, according to the International Air Transport Association, an industry body.
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The holiday boom has lifted the outlook for international travel.
Worldwide tourist arrivals this year are expected to reach up to 95% of pre-pandemic levels, up from 63% in 2022, estimates the UN’s World Tourism Organisation.
Share prices of travel companies, which tumbled in early 2022 amid fears of rising inflation and a looming recession, are soaring again (see chart).
High prices have not deterred sunseekersso far.“People are prioritising travel over other discretionaryspending,” says David Goodger of Oxford Economics, a consultancy.
到目前为止,高价并没有吓退旅行者。咨询机构“牛津经济研究院”的大卫·古德格说: “人们将旅行支出置于其他可自由支配的开销之上。”
Still flush with cash saved during lockdowns, many are splashing outon holidays, even as they trim spending on clothes or dining out.许多人在疫情期间仍攒了很多钱,他们在旅行时大肆消费,尽管他们减少了衣服或外出就餐的消费。
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A few factors will determine how long the good times roll on for.
Some have to do with the industry’s supply side: shortages of airport staff, soaring jet-fuel costs and crumbling IT systems, whichbuckledunder the weight of demand last year, leading to hours-long flight delays or cancellations at short notice.
A quarter of all flights in America were scrapped or delayed last summer.
Southwest Airlines estimates that the cancellation of nearly 17,000 flights in December led it to incur around $800m in losses.西南航空公司估计,12月份取消了近17000次航班,导致了约8亿美元的经济损失。
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A bigger question concerns demand. After a glorious summer, appetite for holidays could come crashing down as fast as it has risen.
Although America’s Federal Reserve has paused interest-rate rises, it is expected to lift rates again in coming months.
As the Fed and other central banks in rich countries keep fighting stubborn inflation, holidaymakers may eventually throw in the beach towel. 由于美联储和其他发达国家的央行与顽固通货膨胀之间的持续斗争,度假者最终可能会放弃旅行。
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Chinese tourists, the third-biggest group after Americans and Germans in 2019, according to Oxford Economics, may not pick up the slack.
Since covid in China were eased last year, nearby destinations such as Macau and Thailand have proved popular. Yet Chinese enthusiasm for far-flung spots remains tepid.
Accor, a hotel giant, estimates that around three-quarters of Chinese travellers this year will opt for “staycations” instead. 酒店业巨头“雅高”估计,今年约有3/4的中国游客将选择 "不出城度假 "。
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Alullin holidaymaking would be bad news for a heavily indebted industry already facing escalating expenses and recovering from past losses.
Airlines alone lost $138bn in 2020. Moody’s, a credit-rating agency, expects their labour costs to increase by nearly a fifth this year.
Short-staffed hotels are struggling to fill positions despite raising wages. In Britain, wage bills are 15% higher than before the pandemic.
After a years-long holiday, day-to-day economic reality may be setting in for the travel industry. 经过数年“长假”之后,旅游业可能面临日常经济问题。
(恭喜读完,本篇英语词汇量564左右)原文出自:2023年6月17日《The Economist》Business版块
本文翻译整理: Irene
本文编辑校对: Irene仅供个人英语学习交流使用。
【补充资料】(来自于网络)Staycation是由“stay”(停留)和“vacation”(假期)两个词组合而成的,意为“不出城度假”“居家度假”,指的是在自己的家中度过,或者是在附近的酒店、度假村或者周边城市的短暂旅行。这是一种越来越流行的旅行方式,尤其是在现代生活节奏快、压力大的城市生活中。它可以省钱、省时、减少旅行压力和减少对环境的影响,人们可以充分利用自己所在地的资源,探索周边地区的文化、历史和自然景观,可以让人们远离繁忙的工作和日常生活压力,享受轻松的假期。日常经济现实day-to-day economic reality是指人们在日常生活中所面对的经济状况和问题。这包括个人收入和支出、物价水平、就业情况、房地产市场、消费习惯等方面。日常经济现实反映了一个国家或地区的经济状况和人民的生活水平。人们通常会根据日常经济现实来做出消费决策、规划个人财务,并适应和应对经济变化带来的影响。【重点句子】(3个)REVENGE HOLIDAYS are in full swing and the travel industry is cashing in.报复性度假火如荼地,旅游业日进斗金。A few factors will determine how long the good times roll on for.好日子能持续多久,取决于这几个因素。A lull in holidaymaking would be bad news for a heavily indebted industry already facing escalating expenses and recovering from past losses.度假活动的停滞将对这个负债累累的行业造成不利影响,该行业已面临不断上升的开支成本,此时亟需从过去的损失中恢复活力。
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